Pass conducted the consulting work, and Nakamichi Stasis amplifier was sold successfully for several years.

In 1985, Japanese audio company Nakamichi contacted Threshold to acquire a patent license for the Stasis technology in order to market their own high-end amplifier. Some of the equipment was offered in black or clear (silver) anodized finish as well. Pass was quoted as saying, “The Stasis 1 was the statement product for what became the popular Stasis product line, which served Threshold for the life of the company.” In another interview, he stated: “The Stasis amplifier certainly stands out as probably the premier example of a simple, creative topology that’s done a very good job and stood the test of time.” Virtually all Threshold amplifiers and pre-amplifiers displayed a luxurious look of 'sculptured' brushed aluminum faceplates that were Besne's hallmarks of the entire line in keeping with the components’ substantial price. This served as the basis of Threshold’s amplifier line throughout the 1980s. In the late 1970s, Pass further developed his amplifier technology and Threshold began to market the STASIS line of amplifiers. The Threshold amplifiers drew the attention of audiophiles and editors at audio equipment magazines. When they were confident the amplifier was ready to market, Pass and Besne incorporated Threshold as co-founders in Sacramento, California on December 5, 1974. Besne worked on the industrial design of the amplifier while Pass worked on the circuit topology and component selection. Pass received his Bachelor of Science in Physics and with an ESS associate René Besne they together began development of a new amplifier in 1974. He also was a service manager for Sun Stereo performing repairs on McIntosh Laboratory, Phase Linear, Pioneer Corporation and other brands of amplifiers, and began formulating his own amplifier designs in 1974. Pass worked at ESS designing crossovers and enclosures through 1973. In 1972, he joined ESS speakers in Sacramento just prior to the arrival of Oscar Heil, who would design the Heil Air Motion Transformer which was a key component of the ESS AMT series of speakers. While a student, he founded PMA to design and manufacture speakers. In the early 1970s, Nelson Pass was studying Physics at the University of California-Davis.