
Ryuichi sakamoto forbidden colors sheet
Ryuichi sakamoto forbidden colors sheet

Sakamoto evokes John Cage with a prepared piano "Prélude," which is notable for its mysterious gamelan-like feel.

ryuichi sakamoto forbidden colors sheet

"Lorenz and Watson" has the knowing naïveté of Erik Satie, and another French composer – Claude Debussy – seems to have inspired a piece titled "Bachata." There are two chromatic chorales (here identified as "Chorals"), and a "Chanson" – appropriately French and delicate, and gaily melancholy, if I may be permitted the paradox. The fourth piece ("Opus") injects French impressionist harmonies, and the rich textures of the more agitated sixth piece ("Intermezzo") prepare the listener for the remainder of the disc, which is more ambitious.

ryuichi sakamoto forbidden colors sheet

The first several pieces on this CD are pleasant piano pop, somewhat in the style of a hipper George Winston. That's fine no one said good music needs to raise a sweat. In fact, most semi-talented amateurs could get their fingers around the notes. As the name suggests, these solos are uncomplicated, offering neither great challenges to the listener nor to the performer. Lawrence, where he starred with David Bowie and Tom Conti.īTTB (Back to the Basics) is a collection of 16 piano solos. He is in demand for film score projects, and he's even a good actor: American audiences may have seen his performance in Merry Christmas, Mr. Also devoted to world music, Sakamoto has been a collaborator with artists as diverse as Youssou N'Dour and Iggy Pop.

ryuichi sakamoto forbidden colors sheet

Although it received scant attention in the United States, YMO was very popular in Asia for its cheerful electronic confections, which were as easy to dance to as licking on a lollipop. Born in 1952, Ryuichi Sakamoto studied electronic music and formed the band Yellow Magic Orchestra in the late 1970s.

Ryuichi sakamoto forbidden colors sheet